Saturday, 9 April 2016
Friday, 26 February 2016
Chinese New Year Celebration Video!
Check out this Chinese New Year celebration video involving us enjoying hotpot and BBQ at our share house! It was really refreshing celebrating CNY in Australia in this extreme heat. Show your support by 'liking' the video. Be sure to keep an eye out for a new post narrating this unique experience soon!
Editing by me
Photos by me
Check out this Chinese New Year celebration video involving us enjoying hotpot and BBQ at our share house! It was really refreshing celebrating CNY in Australia in this extreme heat. Show your support by 'liking' the video. Be sure to keep an eye out for a new post narrating this unique experience soon!
Editing by me
Photos by me
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Cheap & Easy Desserts to Make While on a Working Holiday/工作假期間既便宜又容易製作的甜品
1. Banana Pancake
- 1 banana
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- 4-5 tablespoons of milk
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- 1-2 tablespoons of butter
- Mix flour, milk, egg and sugar together into a bowl and whisk well until the textural is like paste.
- Spread butter evenly on a small frying pan and preheat on high heat.
- Cut up a banana into thin slices.
- Pour pancake mixture from step 1 into the pan and wait for it to solidify in about 2-3 minutes.
- Add thin slices of banana onto the pancake and turn to medium heat.
- Flip the pancake over and allow the other side to solidify.
- Serve with chocolate sauce or peanut butter and enjoy!
*Note: (You may also add different sweet foods onto the pancake like marshmallows or chocolate or anything you can think of!)
2. Marshmallow Cornflakes
- 1 bowl of marshmallows
- 1 bowl of cornflakes
- 2-3 tablespoons of butter
- Spread butter evenly on a medium or large frying pan and preheat the pan on high heat until butter is completely melted.
- Add marshmallows into pan and stir until they become paste lest they burn.
- Add cornflakes into pan and stir well with marshmallows.
- Turn to low heat and stir until marshmallows are completely melted.
- Serve and enjoy your cheap yet delicious popcorn-like snack. It's absolutely perfect for when watching movies!
Step 2
- 1 pack of pastry slices
- 6 egg tart molds
- 1 egg
- 1/2 a cup of milk
- 3-4 tablespoons of sugar
- 4 tablespoons of butter
- Cut pastry slices into 6 even slices and shape each slice into tarts using egg tart molds.
- Combine egg, milk, sugar and butter together in a bowl and whisk until well mixed.
- Pour the mixture into the tarts.
- Put them into an oven set to 200 degrees and let it bake for about 30-40 minutes.
- Take them out of the oven and let them sit for 5-10 minutes and serve.
4. French Toast
- 1 piece of bread
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1/2 a cup of milk
- 1-2 tablespoons of butter
- (Optional) 1 banana/3 strawberries
- Combine egg, sugar, milk in a bowl and whisk until well mixed.
- Dip the piece of bread in the mixture for 1-2 minutes for each sides.
- Spread butter evenly in a frying pan and heat on medium heat.
- Add the soaked piece of bread into the frying pan and cook for 2-3 minutes or until lightly golden.
- Serve with sliced banana or strawberries and enjoy!
5. Bubble Tea
- 1 pack of bubble
- 1 tea bag
- 1/2 a cup of milk
- 0-5 tablespoons of sugar
- Fill a saucepan up with water and preheat on high heat.
- Pour the pack of bubbles into the saucepan and wait for 30-50 minutes for it to boil.
- Make about half a cup of tea using the tea bag and hot water.
- Add milk and any amount of sugar according to taste.
- After the bubbles have boiled and softened, drain water from saucepan using a strainer and run cold water over bubbles to make them chewy.
- Add bubbles into milk tea and enjoy!
(1) 香蕉薄烤餅
- 香蕉 1條
- 麵粉 3湯匙
- 牛奶 4-5湯匙
- 雞蛋 1顆
- 糖 2湯匙
- 牛油 1-2湯匙
1. 把麵粉,牛奶,雞蛋和白糖混合於一個碗裡,拌好至漿糊狀。
2. 將少量牛油均勻地覆蓋在一個小煎鍋上,再以猛火高温加熱。
3. 把一條香蕉切成薄片。
4. 把第1步混好的麵粉糊倒入鍋內,並煎大約2-3分鐘,讓它凝固。
5. 加入香蕉薄片到煎餅上並且轉用中等火力加熱。
6. 翻轉煎餅,並允許另一面受熱凝固。
7. 加入巧克力醬或花生醬即成!

(2) 棉花糖玉米片

- 棉花糖 1碗
- 玉米片 1碗
- 牛油 2-3湯匙
1. 將少量牛油均勻塗在中型或大型煎鍋並以高溫加熱,直到牛油完全融化。
2. 把棉花糖倒入鍋裡,不斷攪拌以免燒焦,直到變成糊狀。
3. 加入玉米片和棉花糖一起攪勻。
4. 轉用低火力,不斷攪拌,直到棉花糖完全融化。

步驟 2

步驟 4
(3) 美味蛋撻
- 餡餅皮 1包
- 蛋撻模 6個
- 雞蛋 1顆
- 牛奶 半杯
- 糖 3-4湯匙
- 牛油 4湯匙
1. 把餡餅皮切成6片,使用蛋撻模將每片塑成杯狀。
2. 把雞蛋,牛奶,糖和牛油放在一個碗裡一起攪拌至均勻。
3. 把混合物倒入杯狀餡餅皮內。
4. 把它們放到設定為200°C的烤箱,烤約30-40分鐘。
5. 把它們從烤箱取出,讓它們自然冷卻5-10分鐘即可享用。
(4) 法式土司 (西多士)
- 麵包 1 片
- 雞蛋 1 顆
- 糖 1 湯匙
- 牛奶 半杯
- 牛油 1-2 湯匙
- (可另加)香蕉1條或草莓3顆
1. 把雞蛋丶糖丶牛奶放在碗裡,混合並攪拌至均勻。
2. 再把一片麵包旳每一面泡浸其中,各面約1-2分鐘。
3. 把牛油均勻塗抹到煎鍋底部並用中等火力加熱。
4. 把浸泡過的麵包片放到煎鍋上,煎2-3分鐘或直到淺金黃色。
5. 加上香蕉切片戓草莓即可享用!
(5) 珍珠奶茶
- 珍珠 1包
- 茶包 1個
- 牛奶 半杯
- 糖 0-5湯匙
1. 煑一鍋水。
2. 把奶茶珍珠倒進鍋裡,再煑30-50分鐘,把水燒沸。
3. 用茶包和熱水調茶半杯。
4. 加入牛奶,並根據個人口味加入適量的糖。
5. 把奶茶珍珠煮軟後,用濾網從鍋裡瀝乾水分,然後用冷水泡浸,使它們有嚼勁。
6. 把奶茶珍珠添加到奶茶內即成美味珍珠奶茶!
Thursday, 4 February 2016
What To Expect In Mildura (Photos)
1. Colourful Sunsets

2. A Beaming Sun
The aftermath of overexposure to the sun.
3. Sandstorms
4. Occasional Rainbows

5. Baby Bats and Spiders

Latrodectus hasseltii aka The Black Widow aka The Redback
6. Grapes
Menindee Seedless grapes growing in mid January.
More grapes...

Surprisingly, more grapes.
Grape vines growing on the side of a highway.
Grape vines growing as far as the eye could see.
*Notes: For more information on grapes check out this helpful brochure -
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
What To Bring To Fruit Picking (Fruit Picking Australia Essentials)
Whether you're on a working holiday picking fruits on a farm to obtain your second working holiday visa, or just in the mood to pick some fruits in your free time, it's in your best interest to be prepared by bringing these essential items.
Depending on what you're picking and the climate of your working area, these items may vary according.
A wide brimmed hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, long sleeves... you name it. These are all must-haves for any outdoor work or even any walking commute to your workplace - especially in Australia due to its Ozone depletion.
Water is your best friend when working outdoors. Or anytime. It prevents dehydration, heatstroke and heat exhaustion, lightheadedness... the list goes on and on. For me, bringing two water bottles is just right.
Bring your own gloves and shears as many citrus and grape farms will not provide these for free. Getting them yourself can save the money you desperately need for that extra pack of crispy snacks you always crave!
Depending on what you're picking and the climate of your working area, these items may vary according.
1. Sun Protection
A wide brimmed hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, long sleeves... you name it. These are all must-haves for any outdoor work or even any walking commute to your workplace - especially in Australia due to its Ozone depletion.
- Make sure your hat is wide enough to cover your entire face and neck.
- A sunscreen with at least an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30+ is optimal; also remember to reapply sunscreen every three hours.
- Choose sunglasses with a value of 3 or 4 high eye protection factor (EPF) to reduce most UV radiation from affecting your eyes. Polarised lenses are great at reducing sun glares. I bought a pair of polarised glasses for $37 during boxing day sales; its usefulness so far is immeasurable.
- Long sleeves can also protect you from thorny fruit plants - be sure to do enough research beforehand.
2. Sufficient Water Supply
Water is your best friend when working outdoors. Or anytime. It prevents dehydration, heatstroke and heat exhaustion, lightheadedness... the list goes on and on. For me, bringing two water bottles is just right.
3. Gloves and Shears
Bring your own gloves and shears as many citrus and grape farms will not provide these for free. Getting them yourself can save the money you desperately need for that extra pack of crispy snacks you always crave!
4. Sturdy Work Boots
Sneakers are also fine for most jobs. You should only take flip flops to pick fruits if you don't want to earn much; so it's in your best interest to invest in a long-lasting pair of sturdy shoes.
5. Insect Repellent
Depending on the area you're working in, the suitable insect repellent will help prevent those pesky little bugs from distracting you when picking. One thing people tend to forget to warn travellers about Australia is its amount of flies. Try typing in "Australia flies" into Google and the first search suggestion you'll see is "Australia flies everywhere". These flies are vicious and they will persistently pester your face, and so far are the bane of my life in Australia. If repellents are not your thing you can always try using fly net hats.
6. Music Device
Music has been my saviour from boredom for days of work. When you're a few weeks into your job, the monotony of picking or packing fruits will not be kind to your productiveness. Be sure to ask your supervisor for permission and download your favourite upbeat tracks to avoid the steady descent into insanity when picking.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
The Curious Incident Of The Stray Dog In The Working Holiday
On the fifth day of my fruit picking job in Mildura my roommates and I set out to replenish our food supply which was about to be depleted.
Along the way to the nearest bus stop we discovered on the way back from our last trip, a stray dog unexpectedly ran up to us from behind and began to walk with us. It seemed to have came out of nowhere, so its home was not clear to us.
Along the way to the nearest bus stop we discovered on the way back from our last trip, a stray dog unexpectedly ran up to us from behind and began to walk with us. It seemed to have came out of nowhere, so its home was not clear to us.
Startled and taken by surprised, we weren't sure what to do but continue walking. As we went on, this uninvited guest seemed content to accompany us. It had a chain collar around its neck but it did not disclose any information about our canine intruder.
It followed us all the way to the bus stop after trailing us for 20 minutes. While we waited, the dog cleverly stayed under the shades of our umbrellas and stuck out its tongue to cool off from the scorching heat.
Click on the photos to enlarge them!
After waiting for what seemed like an eon, a supervisor from the grape packing company we work for drove up to us to offer a ride. Thus we had to leave our peculiar interlude behind. We said our goodbyes reluctantly and hoped it is able to find its way back home.
Just when we thought the most surprising thing has had happened to us that day, a crude-looking van recklessly drove up dangerously close next to us against oncoming traffic and yelled at us to stop our vehicle. To avert any unnecessary disasters, we complied and pulled over to see what this ruckus was about.
The man was all muscle and smelled of tobacco. He got out of the car and stood over the supervisor with his hands on the roof of the car and yelled obscenities about how we abandoned the dog on the side of the road. He also said something like: "you're lucky I don't hurt people because I will hurt you," and "If that dog got hit I would have rammed you off the road right there and then."
Knowing we won't be able to talk sense into this madman, we tried our best to explain to him the situation - it was a stray dog that followed us along the walk - and waited for him to leave. When he had finally had enough he slammed the door into the supervisor's knees and stomped off back to his car.
Signs of relieve left our mouths as we watched the van sped away, as we had never experienced this kind of encounters before. Next thing we know we all bursted out laughing, joking about what had seemed like fatal danger just a few seconds ago.
What a thrilling and blood-pumping experience caused by a single stray dog!
Note: On the day that this blog is being written, I can confirm the dog was unharmed and had returned to its rightful owner. When it saw us again, it seemed overjoyed and greeted us with many salivary licks.

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